Through various approaches, innovative transformations, and a high level of determination in his work, Mr. Hau Ao (Head of Security) has come up with ideas to help himself and his team achieve recognition for the Tiger Awards from CEO Ms. Annica.
Let's meet the next winner of the Tiger Awards to explore his 12-year journey at Home Credit Vietnam and his relentless contributions to the Security Department with the aim of bringing justice to our customers.
Mr. Hau has been at Home Credit Vietnam since 2011 as a Security Project Manager and is currently Head of Security and manages six teams. Looking at his devotion, many people would wonder, "Has he ever gotten bored doing the same thing for so long?"
The answer is “No”! During the past 12 years of dedication to Home Credit, he has never experienced any lack of enthusiasm for his job. He considers working in the Security Department as an attractive field that is full of passion. Security does not require short-term commitment but a persistent and determined devotion He and his team work daily directly with diverse subjects, new fraud schemes, and rapid changes in technology and digital skills. The job expects open-minded brainstorming, Entrepreneurship, and Risk in Mind from everyone in the organization to be ahead of trends and efficiently reduce the damages caused by violations and frauds.
For him, the key values of the Security Department are to bring justice to customers, aim for Customer Obsession, and maximize the protection of Home Credit Vietnam's employees and legitimate interests.
Not only performing the investigation, but Security also takes duties on fraud prevention since it would be more challenging and complicated to investigate if frauds/violations occur. The Mystery Shopping Team is in charge of seeking Msers to conduct business hypothetical situations to check/evaluate the compliance of employees/ Business Partners and find out about new fraud schemes in the market. After being established over a decade ago, Mystery Shopping Team has brought fruitful benefits and good results for Home.
However, at some point, he felt that keeping things in the old way would soon lead them to be outdated. He has consistently been fascinated with better risk prevention solutions/methods.
After discussing with his team, he advised that they could proactively approach external targets and conduct the business in hypothetical situations to identify fraudsters. The pilot has brought positive results, helping Home Credit to prevent fraud more proactively and effectively.
During his time at Home Credit, he feels fortunate to receive great support from the EXCOs, especially his line manager - Mr. Fabien Sanchez (Chief Risk Officer). With his Security-oriented senses, he considers that any hesitation/late decision could lead to unmeasurable damages when fraud/violation situations occur. Therefore, he highly appreciated Mr. Fabien for his supportive investment in optimizing Security’s performance in order to promptly foresee and prevent risks/damages.
For him, this Tiger Awards is not considered a personal achievement but a record of the contribution of all Security Department Members. This award is the recognition from the CEO - Ms. Annica Witschard, for our endless effort with the “Tiger spirit” – bold and fearless in facing challenges, as well as recognizing our previous innovations.
Every job has its difficulties. Considering things as obstacles, you will drown in stress and anxiety. Easily giving up will lead you to a failure loop when you re-encounter the same situation. Therefore, Mr. Hau chooses to face the challenges and win them.
"Although I don't know how much I love or how long I will be here with Home Credit, I will definitely be proud of what I have accomplished when I leave. That is my key value." said Mr. Hau.