Year of the Cat but Tiger's spirit. Tiger Awards is coming back!!!
Through strong transformation and breakthrough results, Sales has become the first team to win the Tiger Awards in 2023. Let's meet three representatives from Sales to discover how they conquered the Tiger Awards:
🟥 Mr. Jiri Badr - Head of Sales
🟨 Mr. Xo Trinh - Deputy Head of Sales
🟩 Mr. Trung Vu - Head of Sales Network
💬 Hello, everyone. Congratulations to Sales for winning the Tiger Awards in the Team category. Can you share some tips from your team?
🟥 Mr. Jiri: Everything starts with alignment. In recent years, we have been doing a lot of regular activities to ensure that all employees in the Sales team understand what we are planning to achieve, making sure everyone knows the numerical targets. We started with paper forms and then moved to digital forms, and nowadays, the newsletter is in video format. Every month, the Sales team creates a video to share information about the previous month's performance, new products, and new processes. Communication is important for employees to understand what we are planning to do.
🟨 Mr. Xo: As Jiri mentioned, I agree that what our team did well was sharing information. Information from the company is always conveyed to the members to ensure consistent communication. In addition, the team always encourages and provides opportunities for members to contribute ideas to overcome challenges.
💬 Tiger Award is an award to honor the innovative transformation of Home Credit. Can you share some innovations that helped Sales receive this award?
🟥 Mr. Jiri: Two years ago, we started the main part of the transformation because we had a difficult time. The number of Sales Assistants (SAs) needed to be adjusted, and Retail Associates (RAs) had to take on the responsibilities of an SA. At that time, we sat down together to come up with a new plan, which was to diversify our product offerings. This journey was initially difficult because the staff was used to their previous products. However, as of now, you have been able to sell many different types of products, including Standalone Insurance (SAI), Acquisition Cash Loans (ACL), and credit cards.
🟩 Mr. Trung: The biggest transformation was in our sales network, which has been selling multiple products. When new products were added, the sales performance of the old products did not change, and at the same time, the addition of new products made the Sales Network more flexible. This was an opportunity for the team to increase efficiency.
💬 Every journey or transformation always has difficulties and challenges. How did the team overcome those?
🟩 Mr. Trung: We certainly faced lots of challenges and difficulties, but the Sales' approach was very quick and effective. First, training will be conducted for the new product, followed by workshops to answer any questions. After one month of implementation, those who work effectively will share their experiences with others to spread positive results and motivate the entire team.
💬 What results did the innovative transformation in the past year bring to Sales?
🟨 Mr. Xo: One of our achievements in the past year is that the level of coordination and interaction between teams has significantly improved. Sharing information from the company to the team and vice versa has created a clear effect: when difficult issues arise, team members and leaders are made aware and take quick action to overcome them.
🟩 Mr. Trung: The Sales team had an explosive year in 2022, thanks to the sale of multiple products, compared to only one or two products before. The team continued to break records in sales, with products like SAI showing continuous growth.
💬 Do you have any advice for others to maintain their innovative spirit in their work?
🟥 Mr. Jiri: Ownership, from my perspective, means that as an entrepreneur, I would like to achieve something and understand the responsibility that comes with it. If you don't take ownership, you will end up blaming others.
🟨 Mr. Xo: Always keep a positive attitude and focus on the plans outlined. There will always be solutions if there are difficulties, and the solutions will appear when working together as a team.
🟩 Mr. Trung: Nothing is impossible! When you think it's difficult, it will be difficult. Just keep your mindset positive, then you can do anything.