Should we go back to our old job? At Home, we have a lot of “go away to come back” stories. And one of those is the career story of Nghia Le, Head of Growth Marketing, who stays behind the success of Home’s TikTok channel, with 2M+ likes after 7 months only
💬 Hi Nghia, can you introduce yourself and your journey at Home?
I came back Home last June, so it has been 1 year and 6 months. Before that, I also had 1.5 years working at Home. At that time, I was in charge of building the website and app platform for Cash Loan products, developing the user journey, and optimizing platforms to run digital ads.
💬 If you could describe yourself with a book title, which one would you choose?
Believe it or not, I’m an introvert. If I were to choose a book, it would be “Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East”, the story of finding our true selves. Recently, when I look back on many things that happened in my life, they are amazingly connected, and I believe everything happens for a reason. As long as you believe in that, you already succeed 50%. Like when I was back Home, my boss shared that she longed for a "dream": by December, we can reach 100,000 leads/month. She would be on cloud nine if we achieved that milestone. It was around June, and we had approximately 10,000 leads/month. The challenge was how to x10 the results within 6 months. And by December last year, as far as I remember, we got around 160,000 leads/month 😊.
💬 Why did you choose to come back Home to work, one more time?
I chose to leave because of the company’s strategy. At different times, the company will prioritize different strategies. Home Credit at that time had a rather traditional approach, and digital was just a channel to explore. When I finished building the customer journey on mobile and web platforms to run digital campaigns, I had little room to learn and perform.
Just about 10 months after my leave, Home Credit's strategy changed. Home focuses a lot on digital strategies, Mobile App products, buy-now-pay-later products such as Home PayLater, and improving infrastructure to get ready to go digital.
The main reason is just because of me myself. I prefer to work on essential projects that contribute to the company's success.
💬 Are there any differences between Home before and after your leave?
There are. I can see that Home now is much different from before. When I asked my fellows who have worked with me up to this point, everyone commented that work now runs very fast because Home has a very different way of working - allowing us to try, fail, and learn. Everyone understands the company's top priorities and critical projects, allowing us to work together toward our common goals and collaborate more effectively. Previously, it took us 2-3 months to find a solution for a project, and now sometimes the solution needs to be found within 1-2 days.
💬 Can you share a bit about the culture at Home Credit?
Home has a solid culture of EMPOWERMENT and COACHING. You are trusted and given the opportunity to develop yourself. You own a separate scope and have the full power to make decisions.
Everyone at any level has the opportunity to do, under the proper and timely guidance to make sure we stay aware of the situation.
And Home also has a very open culture. Employees can feel free to reach out to their boss without any barriers of hierarchy. There is no "boss is always right". My staff can always come to me and say, "I don't think this works". And I am very grateful to Home for that culture.
💬 Do you have any advice for the young generation who love to join Home Credit?
I think you need to be very clear about what you want. If you're looking for a place with a very streamlined process, Home is not the ideal place. At Home, everyone is empowered to take full responsibility for a project or an area. For instance, if you want to join my team, you must have a thorough understanding of Marketing indicators and be the one to "solve" the problems of the business. You will be going through all the work of Growth Marketing instead of just setting up and optimizing ads. You have to understand customer behaviors, learn more about metrics, which factors affect them, where to improve, and where to test. You will work with many people, and different departments, including other Home Credits of the group.
The most important is your willingness to learn. As long as you want to know, everyone and everything at Home Credit will support you to make a greater you every day.