To celebrate Vietnamese family day, let's meet Thuy - Sales Training Team Leader, to better understand her Love from Home journey in the role of leader and mother while still improving herself everyday. π
π¬ Hello, Thuy. Can you share a bit about yourself?
My name is Thuy, and I am currently a Sales Training Team Leader, responsible for designing effective leadership development programs and in charge of communication for Sales Network.
π¬ What are three adjectives that best describe you?
- Sincere: I always believe that if I always keep a genuine attitude in everything I do, I will succeed in life.
- Sharing: I like to share everything I know to other people.
- Strong and decisive: once I have a specific goal, I will keep going on to achieve it.
π¬ You are a mother, a wife and also a strong and confident leader. What are some of your tips?
I always try to do my best in each role. For example:
- As a mother, I will research how to educate my children, spend time with them every night, feed them, and tell them stories.
- As a wife, I always care for my husband, deeply understand, and do everything to make him happy.
- As a leader, I understand the company's strategy and support my team members in achieving our goals. π
π¬ How important is your family to your life and work?
Family is the most important thing to me. Family is the motivation and a measurement of a person’s success. It is not fulfilled if you are successful at work, but your family is not happy. But on the contrary, if you have a family by your side, I believe we can overcome any difficulty.
π¬ What prompted you to join Home Credit despite the geographical distance from your Home to the company, more than 50 km? What motivates you to keep your passion for your career?
I never thought I would enter the consumer financial industry. Coming Home is a privilege, because I had a great experience as a customer myself.
When choosing a place to work, I look for find a proper, effective, transparent environment where they offer employees a clear and exciting career path. And I found it at Home.
Once, in a taxi, the driver asked me where I worked. I said I worked at Home Credit, "Oh, I have two loans at Home Credit, I have borrowed many places before, but since I borrowed Home Credit, I do not borrow anywhere else."-said the taxi driver. I feel very proud of my company!
Everything at Home is very structured and progressive, giving employees confidence, good benefits, and "Trust".
Thank you for your interesting sharing. We wish you and your family good health, success, and happiness. We hope that Thuy will always keep her optimistic energy and have more blooming achievements at Home!
We are delighted to hear more stories of bringing love from home to Home!